Explore Kimoto

CHF 50.00

The early modern kimoto starter is one variation from the standard sake brewing process, but what happens when you introduce further variations by using extreme polishing numbers or ageing? Come along and find out!

The tasting is on Wed 10 April 2024, 19:00 (7 pm) at MAME Seefeld.


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Explore the variety produced by the kimoto starter!

Kimoto is an old sake starter, established around the 1700s, which relies on ambient bacteria to create a safe environment for yeast to multiply and resist contamination by other microorganisms – and gain lots of flavour in the process!

Following on from the starters workshop (which covered bodaimoto/mizumoto “water starter”, kimoto and its derivative yamahai) this workshop will look at further variations within kimoto itself – what happens when you age it? Brew with ambient yeast? Or barely polish the rice? Come and find out!

WHEN: Wednesday 10 April 2024, 19:00 (7 pm) – around 21:00-21:30 (9-9:30 pm)

WHERE: MAME 2, Seefeldstrasse 19, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland (entrance on Holbeinstrasse). Short walk from Stadelhofen station, or stops Opernhaus/Kreuzstrasse on tram lines 2 and 4.

PRICE: CHF 50.00


***PLEASE NOTE: You must buy a ticket in advance for this event. I will only bring enough material for the number of tickets sold, so unfortunately I cannot accommodate anyone who turns up on the night.***

You will:

  • Go back over the starter methods and how they affect the flavour profile of a sake
  • Talk about how one variation from the standard modern process – using the kimoto starter – can be further varied by ageing and polishing number
  • Learn about how different sake rice varieties interact with kimoto
  • Discover how making sake with a lot of the rice grain affects flavour
  • Taste rare, limited edition sake to expand your understanding of kimoto and ageing
  • Have fun in a small, friendly group with plenty of time to explore, discover and ask questions!

To prepare:

  • Eat a meal before the tasting. (You’re welcome to taste and spit as well, but so far no-one has!) You will have an estimated six samples of around 50 ml sake, strength between 13 and 20% abv.
  • On the day of the tasting, avoid any using products with strong smells, such as perfume, cologne or strongly scented hair/body products as they can affect your sense of smell. (And the sense of smell of those around you.)
  • Also avoid anything strongly flavoured such as tobacco, coffee or spices, just before the tasting as they can affect your ability to taste.
  • Other than that, just bring yourself and any questions you have about sake!


  • All participants must be at least 18 years old. By buying a ticket you warrant that you and your guests, if any, are at least 18 years old.
  • The tasting lasts approximately 2-3 hours
  • The minimum number of participants is 6, and the maximum is 12. If less than 6 tickets are purchased 24 hours before the event, it will be rescheduled.
  • Tickets can be purchased online by card or by bank transfer.
  • Cancellations can only be accepted up to 48 hours before the event, so that your place can be released for someone else. If you buy a ticket within 48 hours of the event, it cannot be cancelled.
  • If you can’t make it at short notice, you can give your place to someone else – just contact me to arrange this!

I’m always happy to answer questions, if you have any please email me at contact@discover-sake.com